Do you want to increase your company value?

Yes, I want to increase
my company value!
No, my company is
valuable enough
Yes, I want to increase my company value!
No, my company is valuable enough

The Value Builder Score


Whether you want to sell your business now or decades into the future, getting your Value Builder Score will allow you to:
  • Diagnose what may be holding you back from creating a company that can fully thrive without you.
  • See how an acquirer would evaluate your business, enabling you to focus today on what will be important down the road.
  • Identify hidden things that may quietly drag down the value of your business so you can eliminate them before they become a problem.
  • Pinpoint the part of your business that will have the most value to an acquirer so you can invest more resources in areas likely to be most attractive to an investor or acquirer.


Join 65,000 business owners and get your score on the 8 Factors That Drive Your Company's Value, a comprehensive analysis of your score and a detailed action plan for how to improve your score on each.